The Sports Event Partnership Fund has been established by the Palmerston North City Council and the administration responsibilities of this fund has been given to Sport Manawatū.
The fund is to be allocated throughout the Sport Manawatu’s financial year from 1 July – 30 June.
The purpose of the Sports Event Partnership Fund is to support operational cost for sports events hosted in Palmerston North, events that reinforce economic growth and/or community spirit through the provision of grants.
Sport Manawatu in coordination with the district councils, has four main priorities that influence funding decisions:
To attract and retain national secondary school events to the region
To attract and retain events that drive a significant economic impact to the region (attract 200+ visitors to the region who will stay in the region for at least one evening)
To support events that enhance community connectedness and health, with an additional focus supporting new events and events that have the potential for growth. Community-focussed events must be available to large parts of the community and encourage people to get more active, more often.
To attract events that are of significant national and/or international importance and positively profile the region.
Predominantly, the fund is used to cover:
Facility costs
Venue hire
Administration costs
First aid costs
Officials, referees, score bench, and umpire costs
The following items will not be funded:
Grants to non-affiliated social sports clubs or teams, including those playing in corporate leagues
Trade tournaments or sporting events staged primarily for commercial publicity and/or the benefit of a select industry group
Affiliation fees, individual or team memberships, and subscriptions
Dress uniforms, footwear, training uniforms, personal gear bags, and souvenir t-shirts
Laundry costs, commercial gym fees, and major medical costs
Prizes, including medals, trophies or cash prizes
Grants to any sports facility run for commercial profit, such as 10 pin bowling centres, billiard parlours, ‘country clubs’ for golf, or clubs with closed memberships
Trips for supporters and spectators, or after-match functions
Privately owned organisations or ventures for personal gain
Events that are principally social in nature (e.g. after-match functions, parties, and balls)
Provision and maintenance of facilities set up to provide social activities
The purchase of alcohol, drinks, food, and refreshments
These are not exhaustive lists. Please contact the fund administrator for more information.
Please get in touch with the Fund Administrator below.
Successful applicants must submit a report within two weeks of the completion of their event. The fund administrator will contact successful applicants with directions on how to submit this report in due course.
To be eligible, the organisation leading the event must be an incorporated society, trust, association, company, or a community group with an ‘umbrella organisation’
(An umbrella organisation is an association of (often related, industry-specific) institutions, who work together formally to coordinate activities or pool resources)
The fund is open throughout the financial year. Applications must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to the event date.
Please get in touch with the Fund Administrator.
Head Office
B&M Centre (Arena 4),
Central Energy Trust Arena,
61 Pascal Street,
Palmerston North 4410
Phone: (06) 357 5349
Tararua District Council, 26 Gordon Street, Dannevirke 4942
Bush Multisports, 57 Huxley Street, Pahiatua
Phone: (06) 374 4989
Manawatū Community Hub Libraries,
64 Stafford Street
Feilding 4702
Phone: (06) 323 6900
126 Oxford Street,
Phone: (06) 366 0999